Savings on Investment

Help your clients save R500* monthly on average

We analyze your clients production and consumption patterns and alter their settings every 10 days to compensate for changes in seasons & behaviour.  As a result of this our customers see reduced electricity bills and a good return on their solar system investment.

*Larger systems save more. This average is across both large and small systems

Average % consumed daily:



Below average

Less than most people. Shift load to day.

Average % power from PV:



Above average

More than most people within 10km radius.

Estimated Savings:



98,1 kWh @ R2.90

Total Estimated Savings:



Since 10 Jan 2024

Product Optimization

Our production checker monitors systems for production drops to assist with proactive maintenance

PV Voltage

SolrIQ analyses PV voltages every 4 days and determines if a string has dropped off totally. Loss of production can result in loss of funds when there are issues with their  production.

Solar Based Variance

SolrIQ uses solar, inverter & battery data to detect when a string is still producing but there are issues on one or more panels on the string. Typically we can detect drop-offs of 10% or more

Safety & Asset Protection

SolrIQ alerts you to ensure the safe operation of your customers’ solar installations

It’s important to monitor your clients solar systems else the system or household appliances could be damaged (or worse a fire could break out!).

Some insurance providers could also deny or reduce claims based on faulty equipment that should have been monitored.

Ensure that your fleet is always online so you can support & assist your customers 

BMS, AC & DC temperatures to ensure they are within threshold

Detects if grid export is occuring to ensure it's intentional

Repetitive AC / DC overload reports to detect issues that can compromise the lifespan of the inverter

Grid voltage issues and phase rotations

Inverter fault codes notifications for key issues

Client Engagement

SolrIQ sends notifications to your customers to self-help & educate to prevent situations in the future. Save time & resources

System Offline – not having access to the system remotely makes it very costly to assist your clients. Our self help guide we send clients helps them to reconnect themselves

Overloads (AC/DC) – clients often don’t understand why their system trips due to overloads. Our notifications to your customers and the self help guide will educate your customers and reduce your support time

Enhance client engagement with the SolrIQ mobile app

Clients can receive notifications about their system, view changes SolrIQ has made to optimise their system & show them monthly reports of savings & other aspects of how their system has performed last month.


Grid power lost / restored

Future load-shedding

Consuming power rapidly


Monthly Reports:

Savings based on optimization


Battery cycles

Load on PV vs Grid


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App Store



Save changes


Paul’s House


We can whitelabel the SolrIQ mobile app with your branding

Additional Products

Gain more insights with powerful reporting tools


InsightPro is a monitoring & reporting platform that includes all the monitoring & reporting features of SolrIQ (but no optimization) and dashboards to pull various reports and insights on your fleet.

Get proactive reports to ensure great after sales service. Minimize unplanned callouts by proactively identifying required actions.


SizePro uses load & PV data to simulate production figures for a matrix of upgrade options for additional battery or additional PV. Providing accurate estimates of payback periods for upgrades.

The data driven upgrade reports can assist in closing deals with customers and ensures their upgrade pays for itself.


SolrBoost’s InverterControlPro allows you to audit settings and across your fleet and to update settings and parameters in bulk. Push to 1000s of plants with 1 click of a button.

Ensure your clients settings don’t compromise their operation (e.g. battery shutdown, export to grid, etc.) by getting reports & identifying the plants set outside your parameters. Auditing made easy.

InverterControlPro gives you the ability to change any settings across your fleet with the click of a button without needing manual intervention. Control your systems as you see fit with bulk updates.

More features
coming soon…

Distributed Virtual Power Plants

For estates, office parks and other communities (microgrids) we can provide a service to coordinate exporting of various plants into the microgrid.

Carbon Credits Programme

Wouldn’t it be great to cash back from your solar investment? You can use the carbon tax credit programme to earn and sell credits into the market.

Time-of-Use Optimization

For systems that are connected to time-of-use tariffs for purchasing power we will optimize your system to charge your batteries appropriately during low tariff periods.

Maximum Demand Management

NMD charges can be a major drain on the wallet of organisations. A specific subset of Load Management will stagger device consumption to avoid NMD charges.

Load Management

It’s all about WHEN rather than HOW MUCH electricity is consumed. SolrBoost are looking at smart device control paired with load shedding information, battery levels and solar forecasts to ensure that devices consume electricity when most cost effective.

Save time and resources with SolrBoost and SolrIQ

Trusted by 100+ businesses to scale and drive new revenue

Since integrating Solrboost, we've seen significant performance improvements on our solar systems. The software automatically adapts and controls each system for ideal energy yield based on weather patterns, load shedding, usage needs etc. As solar specialists, we're committed to extracting the highest value from every installation. With SolrBoost, we can now deliver optimised solar generation achieving maximum savings.

Paul H

Ecologic Solar

Solrboost is a great solution for managing your solar plant. It is designed to save money by prioritizing solar energy for charging the battery, while still allowing for grid charging if necessary—just enough to ensure we can get through load shedding periods. This system is an ideal solution to enhance the efficiency of your solar plant. It also contributes to security by maintaining sufficient battery power during load shedding.

Sias S

Parkview, Johannesburg

Supercharge your business with SolrBoost


Do you spend hours every day managing client solar systems for them?


Do you want to offer an enhanced service to your customers to monitor their solar production?


Has monitoring your fleet for out-of-normal operating conditions become an impossible task?


Are you constantly fielding calls from clients about overloads or being offline?

Stop spending time and resources to manage your customers. SolrBoost has you covered!

Request a demo

Download brochure

Enhance your services and save time and resources with SolrBoost


On Investment


Safety &
Asset Protection






Special Modes

Holiday Mode

Backup Mode

Outage Management

Manage & optimize solar systems to ensure power supply during load shedding and outages

If you or your client  keeps their battery fully charged, it has no ability to charge from the sun when there is solar in excess of the house’s demand. SolrBoost typically sees 80%+ systems are configured in a way which severely limits the ability for clients to save money on purchased electricity.

SolrIQ  uses historic load & PV data, solar forecasts & load shedding schedules to manage & optimize solar systems to ensure that they maximize on savings without giving up power security. For overnight outages, we step down battery levels so they have enough capacity in the morning to make the most of PV production.




Special Modes

Holiday Mode

Backup Mode

Outage Management

Manage & optimize solar systems to ensure power supply during load shedding and outages

If you or your client  keeps their battery fully charged, it has no ability to charge from the sun when there is solar in excess of the house’s demand. SolrBoost typically sees 80%+ systems are configured in a way which severely limits the ability for clients to save money on purchased electricity.

SolrIQ  uses historic load & PV data, solar forecasts & load shedding schedules to manage & optimize solar systems to ensure that they maximize on savings without giving up power security. For overnight outages, we step down battery levels so they have enough capacity in the morning to make the most of PV production.

Savings on Investment

Help your clients save R500* monthly on average

We analyze your clients production and consumption patterns and alter their settings every 10 days to compensate for changes in seasons & behaviour.  As a result of this our customers see reduced electricity bills and a good return on their solar system investment.

*Larger systems save more. This average is across both large and small systems

Average % consumed daily:



Below average

Less than most people. Shift load to day.

Average % power from PV:



Above average

More than most people within 10km radius.

Estimated Savings:



98,1 kWh @ R2.90

Total Estimated Savings:



Since 10 Jan 2024

Product Optimization

Our production checker monitors systems for production drops to assist with proactive maintenance

PV Voltage

SolrIQ analyses PV voltages every 4 days and determines if a string has dropped off totally. Loss of production can result in loss of funds when there are issues with their  production.

Solar Based Variance

SolrIQ uses solar, inverter & battery data to detect when a string is still producing but there are issues on one or more panels on the string. Typically we can detect drop-offs of 10% or more

Safety & Asset Protection

SolrIQ alerts you to ensure the safe operation of your customers’ solar installations

It’s important to monitor your clients solar systems else the system or household appliances could be damaged (or worse a fire could break out!).

Some insurance providers could also deny or reduce claims based on faulty equipment that should have been monitored.

Ensure that your fleet is always online so you can support & assist your customers 

BMS, AC & DC temperatures to ensure they are within threshold

Detects if grid export is occuring to ensure it's intentional

Repetitive AC / DC overload reports to detect issues that can compromise the lifespan of the inverter

Grid voltage issues and phase rotations

Inverter fault codes notifications for key issues

Client Engagement

SolrIQ sends notifications to your customers to self-help & educate to prevent situations in the future. Save time & resources

System Offline – not having access to the system remotely makes it very costly to assist your clients. Our self help guide we send clients helps them to reconnect themselves

Overloads (AC/DC) – clients often don’t understand why their system trips due to overloads. Our notifications to your customers and the self help guide will educate your customers and reduce your support time

Enhance client engagement with the SolrIQ mobile app

Clients can receive notifications about their system, view changes SolrIQ has made to optimise their system & show them monthly reports of savings & other aspects of how their system has performed last month.


Grid power lost / restored

Future load-shedding

Consuming power rapidly


Monthly Reports:

Savings based on optimization


Battery cycles

Load on PV vs Grid


Get it on

Google Play

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App Store



Save changes


Paul’s House


We can whitelabel the SolrIQ mobile app with your branding

Additional Products

Gain more insights with powerful reporting tools


InsightPro is a monitoring & reporting platform that includes all the monitoring & reporting features of SolrIQ (but no optimization) and dashboards to pull various reports and insights on your fleet.

Get proactive reports to ensure great after sales service. Minimize unplanned callouts by proactively identifying required actions.


SizePro uses load & PV data to simulate production figures for a matrix of upgrade options for additional battery or additional PV. Providing accurate estimates of payback periods for upgrades.

The data driven upgrade reports can assist in closing deals with customers and ensures their upgrade pays for itself.


SolrBoost’s InverterControlPro allows you to audit settings and across your fleet and to update settings and parameters in bulk. Push to 1000s of plants with 1 click of a button.

Ensure your clients settings don’t compromise their operation (e.g. battery shutdown, export to grid, etc.) by getting reports & identifying the plants set outside your parameters. Auditing made easy.

InverterControlPro gives you the ability to change any settings across your fleet with the click of a button without needing manual intervention. Control your systems as you see fit with bulk updates.

More features
coming soon…

Distributed Virtual Power Plants

For estates, office parks and other communities (microgrids) we can provide a service to coordinate exporting of various plants into the microgrid.

Carbon Credits Programme

Wouldn’t it be great to cash back from your solar investment? You can use the carbon tax credit programme to earn and sell credits into the market.

Time-of-Use Optimization

For systems that are connected to time-of-use tariffs for purchasing power we will optimize your system to charge your batteries appropriately during low tariff periods.

Maximum Demand Management

NMD charges can be a major drain on the wallet of organisations. A specific subset of Load Management will stagger device consumption to avoid NMD charges.

Load Management

It’s all about WHEN rather than HOW MUCH electricity is consumed. SolrBoost are looking at smart device control paired with load shedding information, battery levels and solar forecasts to ensure that devices consume electricity when most cost effective.

SolrBoost. 2024

Privacy Policy

Cookies Policy

Supercharge your business with SolrBoost


Do you spend hours every day managing client solar systems for them?


Do you want to offer an enhanced service to your customers to monitor their solar production?


Has monitoring your fleet for out-of-normal operating conditions become an impossible task?


Are you constantly fielding calls from clients about overloads or being offline?

Stop spending time and resources to manage your customers. SolrBoost has you covered!

Request a demo

Download brochure

Enhance your services and save time and resources with SolrBoost


On Investment


Safety &
Asset Protection



Save time and resources with SolrBoost and SolrIQ

Trusted by 100+ businesses to scale and drive new revenue

Since integrating Solrboost, we've seen significant performance improvements on our solar systems. The software automatically adapts and controls each system for ideal energy yield based on weather patterns, load shedding, usage needs etc. As solar specialists, we're committed to extracting the highest value from every installation. With SolrBoost, we can now deliver optimised solar generation achieving maximum savings.

Paul H

Ecologic Solar

Solrboost is a great solution for managing your solar plant. It is designed to save money by prioritizing solar energy for charging the battery, while still allowing for grid charging if necessary—just enough to ensure we can get through load shedding periods. This system is an ideal solution to enhance the efficiency of your solar plant. It also contributes to security by maintaining sufficient battery power during load shedding.

Sias S

Parkview, Johannesburg